Airsec Electronic Article Surveillance China

6 Benefits of EAS Security Products

People who live by shoplifting can earn as much as 1000$ one day. They are professional groups and are rarely caught. And the scary thing is that they steal almost all kinds of goods.

The most common method of shoplifting is the diversionary tactic. A partner distracts the clerk, and another partner steals elsewhere. They usually target stores that do not have EAS systems installed.

Your store shouldn’t be the target of shoplifter. It’s important to protect goods from theft in the loss prevention battle.

Do you wonder whether EAS security products are suitable for your store? Read on to learn for yourself what difference can EAS make to your business. Here are 6 benefits of EAS security products.

What is EAS?

Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) is a loss prevention system that prevents shoplifting. The antenna is usually placed at the exit and entrance of the store to form an invisible security door.

Security tags are attached to goods. Either hard tag or soft label can be easily removed or deactivated at the checkout. If an item with an active tag passes through the antenna, it triggers the antenna to send out an alarm.

1. Prevent Theft

The main advantage of EAS is that it can prevent theft. The deterrent effect of EAS means that your store is no longer the target of shoplifter. Because shoplifters are scared. Commodity security is very important to your business.

There are almost no theft losses in stores that use EAS security products.

2. Easy to Operate

EAS security products are easy to operate. There are many types and sizes of tags to suit different types of merchandise. Almost all types of goods, such as wine, apparel, electrical equipment, and digital products can be catered for.

It only takes seconds to fit a label or tag and seconds to deactivate or remove it. Hard tags can be removed very easily with the correct security tag remover. But it is much more difficult for a shoplifter to remove or deactivate a tag.

3. Inexpensive

Installing EAS security products is much cheaper than you think. With the development of technology, the cost of these security products is decreasing. Most importantly, the benefits of these security products far outweigh the costs of purchasing them.

With source tags, they can only be positive.

4. Improve Customer Shopping Experience

In the highly competitive retail environment, customer service and experience are key. With EAS security, the store priority can switch from security and loss prevention to customer service and maximizing sales. In other words, sales staff can focus on serving customers. This means that it will relieve the pressure on the sales staff and increase your sales.

5. Support Open Display of Goods

High-value items and items that are easy to resell are often the preferred targets for shoplifters. This means retailers take measures to make these items less accessible for shoplifters. However, it also means that customers can’t access them.

Lockable cabinets and display cases are common solutions. Merchandises are sometimes located behind the counter and can only be available with the help of a sales assistant. In this case, customers often cannot get in touch with and understand the goods. Customers can be reticent to ask for help when they are used to a self-service environment. It is undeniable that the cost of cabinets and personnel has weakened the profitability of goods.

Open display of merchandise undoubtedly promotes sales. Customers like it because it is convenient and they can examine the merchandise without the supervision and help of sales assistants.

6. Return on Investment

Security tags and the systems that support them are durable and reliable. And they have a long service life. The loss prevention benefits keep paying back year after year. There is little maintenance. Hard tags are reusable. The only lasting costs are the purchase of self-adhesive soft labels.

Usually, even a small reduction in theft makes the investment well worthwhile, even if it’s only 1% to 2% of sales. And please remember, for a one-off investment in a store system, the reduction in loss is ongoing.

The Choice is Yours

There are many strategies you can adopt if you are concerned about losses due to customer theft. These low-tech solutions are effective, such as using anti-theft signs, changing store layout and using security mirrors.

For more complex solutions, consider camera systems. But to have good coverage means installing more cameras. And this can be expensive.

The technology of EAS security products is a serious consideration. EAS benefits are proven and viable for most retail contexts. To learn more information about EAS, click here.